Custom Statistics
Create your own Statistics to suit your needs
Custom statistics offer you additional flexibility to display data that mater to you. You can access custom statistics from Stats tab on iPhone or directly from the sidebar on iPad and Mac.
Overview of all custom statistics is available in compact view directly from the Stats tab (iPhone only). The first 4 overview selections from each custom stat will be displayed.
Tapping on any of the custom stat tiles will get you to the Custom Stat Database.
Add, Adjust or Edit
Custom Stat Database offers you a quick view of all the custom stats. You can select up to 8 rows of data to display. To see more, tap on the custom stat itself.
The custom stat detail shows all the logged function times and counts as set in Configure Fields
Matching time graph is also available for majority of function times
Add - Create a new statistics by tapping the plus (+) button in the top right corner
Edit Order - You can change the order of your statistics or delete them by tapping the Edit button
Adjust - You can modify your created statistic by tapping the info button (i)
Custom Stats Edit
When you create new custom stat by tapping on the "+" button or when you tap on the info button "i" you get into the edit view.
Title: Set a title for custom stat
Filter By Date: Set date filter for entries between start date and end date
Airport: Filter by airport (DEP or ARR) ICAO code
Aircraft Registration: Filter by aircraft registration
Aircraft Type: Filter by aircraft type
Pilot: Filter by crew member (any crew member on the flight
How the Filters Work:
Filters have “AND” logical operation. I.e. if “EGSS” is typed into Airport field and “OK-UTH” is filled in the “Aircraft Registration” field, custom statistic will display flights to-from EGSS flown with OK-UTH.
If you need to expand any of the fields write comma (,) between the entries. E.g. B738, B738, B38M will display flights with B738 + B738 + B38M types.
Example: If you need to display flights only to and from LKPR, with B738 and B38M you would write LKPR in airport field and B738, B38M in the aircraft type field
Display Overview: Select up to 8 fields to display in the custom stats database overview. First 4 will also display in compact mode on the Stats page (iPhone)