Flight Management

Flight Management

Manage your flights with quick actions

Logger has set of quick-action features which allow you to manage your flights directly from flight overview individually or in batches. Logger also has advanced filtering and search functions. Here is how it works:

  1. Flight Overview Quick Actions

  • You can perform quick actions on single flight by swiping over it in flight overview

  • Swipe left-to-right to reveal menu

    • Lock: You can lock flight to prevent editing

    • Salary: You can exclude/include the flight in salary statistics

    • Favourite: You can mark flight as favourite

  • Swipe right-to-left to delete a flight

  1. Batch Edit

  • Sometimes you need to change multiple flights. That's what the batch edit function is there for. To enable the batch editing, tap on the "Edit" button in the top left corner.

  • Select flights you want to edit.

  • You can toggle Lock, Salary and Favourite on selected flights. You can also batch delete selected flights. On top of that, you can access advanced batch editing features by tapping on the ellipses (…).

  1. Advanced Batch Editing

  • With the advanced batch editing window open (see above), you can perform the following tasks (each task can be reverted by tapping on the undo button at the top left corner):

  • Override Entry Type: Change entry type for selected entries. Select entry type and tap on override. Logger will notify you if the entries have some data in them which are not compatible with the entry type you are trying to change them to (i.e. flight time with sim session)

  • Override Aircraft: Change aircraft for selected entries with one from aircraft database. Type in aircraft registration. If there is single match, the aircraft registration will appear next to override button. Tap on override to perform the change

  • Swap PF: You can swap Pilot Flying on selected flights (PF becomes PM and vice versa)

  • Swap PIC/SIC Names: PIC becomes SIC and vice versa

  • Override Crew: You can override any crew member with pilot from database. Type in the crew name.If there is single match, pilot name will appear next to the override button. Select the crew position you would like to override and tap on the override button

  • Function Times: Toggling function times off will remove the function time from selected flights. Toggling function times on will add function time to selected flights (matching the block times). On first tap of the field, the function time is removed (OFF) on second tap it is added (ON)

  • Counts: You can also override any counts (take-offs, landings, etc.) for the selected entries

  1. Flight Detail Quick Actions

  • You can also perform the same quick actions (Lock, Favourite, Salary, Delete) from flight detail menu

  • To speed up logging of multi-sector flights. You can create next and return flights

  • Lock: You can lock/unlock the flight. You can also toggle lock by tapping on the header where city-pair is displayed (e.g. LKPR-EGSS)

  • Next Flight: creates new flight with the same crew and aircraft placing the destination airport as new departure airport

  • Return Flight: creates new flight with the same crew and aircraft swapping destination and departure airports

  • Route: Displays departure and arrival airports on the map

  • Configure fields: Gives you quick access to Fields Settings

  • Sign: Flight instructor or examiner can sign the entry for you. Their signature and license number will be printed on PDF exports next to the flight. You can copy PIC name and PIC license from database. Once signature is saved, the flight will be locked. If you want to unlock the flight, the signature will be removed (warning is displayed prior to signature removal)

  1. Flight Filtering

  • You can filter flights based on different criteria. To access the flight filtering option go to flight overview and tap on the filter button

  • Filter by Date: Filter flights by departure date

  • Entry Type and Attributes: Filter flights by entry type or by favourites, locked and salary

  • Function Time: Filter flights by specific function time

  • Approach Type: Filter flights by approach type

  • Tags: Filter flight by specific tags (note you need to first create tags to see them in this view)

  • Reset Filters: Reset filters will remove any filters. If there are any filters on, the filter button in the flight overview will have red dot displayed

  1. Search

  • You can search for flights by set of different search prompts

    • IATA / ICAO code (you can further specify if it should be departure or arrival airport)

    • City Pair (IATA-IATA, ICAO-ICAO)

    • Crew

    • Aircraft Registration

    • Aircraft Type